Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Talkative Tuesday

Write about myself

Where to start...

Well, I'm a me really. I'm 47 years old and a mum of four wonderful, and very different girls. I live with my two middle daughters - the Glitter Girl and the Leggy Giraffe Girl. My eldest, the Goth-type Girl, is living on her own in her childhood home (more about that another day) and my baby, Fed-Ex, lives with her dad a couple of hours drive from us. I really should miss her more, as she only moved up there six weeks ago, but we talk online lots and she's learnt the almost extinct art of writing real letters, on real paper, and putting them in one of those strange red metal lumps that grace the edges of so many English pavements. I adore getting letters, or postcards, but hardly anyone seems to write anymore as email is so much faster.

Oh look, there's another thing about me - I write in long, rambly sentences because my thoughts always tumble over each other like kittens trying to find their mother's warmth. 

My house is also home to our lodger, the Barista, and our pets:
  • Willow the cat
  • Cosmo, her odd-eyed ginger kitten (who belongs to the Barista)
  • Damascus, my adorably cute and funny chameleon
  • Dino, the Barista's bearded dragon
  • Buffy bunny
  • Loki and Lizzie, the leopard geckos
  • Severus Snake, the king python
The last four all belong to the Glitter Girl. She likes animals.

We all live together in a happy, but rather mad harmony, in May Cottage. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

A Chickummyjig day

A while ago I discovered a absolutely inspiring blog. It is no longer updated, but I read it from beginning to end, or rather from end to beginning as that's the way blogs work really. Mrs Myrtleandeunice writes with clarity and humour and the craft that spreads through her blog is undeniably beautiful. 

Chickummyjig a pattern that I downloaded from myrtleandeunice. He's a present for a dear frind of mine - I do hope she likes him. 

I found some adorable 'hand made with love' ribbon in my local market. Isn't it just perfect!

PS - if you click on the original chickummyjig picture below it will take you straight to the pattern and tutorial that I used. 

PPS - today I visited Wolf and Word and was both calmed and inspired by her her love of, and use of, words. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Six thoughts on a Saturday

1. It's been a glorious day for early October. I sat outside the Old Orchard pub in a t-shirt and admired the view. Beautiful!

2. Weekends are wonderful.

3. Sewing straight lines is therapeutic. I'm quilting my Spice Trail quilt, which I've nick-named my Technical Challenge quilt because I've never sewn long straight seams like this before. Making clothes never requires them. 

4. When I'm sewing I adjust my sitting position from time to time if I get uncomfortable. Then I look at my machine expecting it to sew and it doesn't. Just because my foot is tucked under my chair. Hasn't the daft machine realised I expect it to read my thoughts and work anyway?

5. Starbucks shouldn't have stopped selling white chocolate & raspberry muffins. They were amazingly good.

6. What does the fox say? (YouTube it. It's worth it)

Today I visited Darlene who makes the most amazing fabric art. I'm so in love with her revived bag. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The big linky post

It's October the first and a whole host of new things starting today. The first is Blogtober, hosted by Shells in the Bush.  My challenge to myself, for this month, is to try and post every day, but more importantly to visit lots of other blogs and hopefully make a few new friends out there in the blogging world. 

Today is also the start of:


...both of which are perfect reasons to set myself targets and know that I have to keep them, just in case anyone is watching. 

My target for October is to finish the top of my wonky elephant quilt.


I have two patches done - well, nearly two - and another four to finish, then sashing to join them. I'm not quite decided on a colour for the sashing yet. I'm thinking a dark blue, but possibly a purple or magenta to pull out colours in the elephants. What do you think?

Getting it quilted would be wonderful too, but let's be realistic here. I have an exam to sit in the middle of October and start a new job at the end of October - those have to take priority over the fun stuff (grumble, mumble... sewing good, studying bad). 

For the rest of the quarter my targets are:
  • Get my Spice Trail quilt quilted
  • Finish two needle books for the LMQG swap
  • Send off two hexie flowers for the inchy hexie swap
  • Make my first ever mug rug for the mug rug swap
  • Finish my one block wonder quilts - yes I started two
  • Catch up with at least half of my horribly behind PennySampler blocks
  • Grow my tubemap quilt to 300 hexies
That should keep me busy, I think.