Saturday, 5 October 2013

Six thoughts on a Saturday

1. It's been a glorious day for early October. I sat outside the Old Orchard pub in a t-shirt and admired the view. Beautiful!

2. Weekends are wonderful.

3. Sewing straight lines is therapeutic. I'm quilting my Spice Trail quilt, which I've nick-named my Technical Challenge quilt because I've never sewn long straight seams like this before. Making clothes never requires them. 

4. When I'm sewing I adjust my sitting position from time to time if I get uncomfortable. Then I look at my machine expecting it to sew and it doesn't. Just because my foot is tucked under my chair. Hasn't the daft machine realised I expect it to read my thoughts and work anyway?

5. Starbucks shouldn't have stopped selling white chocolate & raspberry muffins. They were amazingly good.

6. What does the fox say? (YouTube it. It's worth it)

Today I visited Darlene who makes the most amazing fabric art. I'm so in love with her revived bag. 

1 comment:

  1. That muffin looks so yum! Weekends are wonderful and ours is a three-day one here, so I'm extra happy right now. Enjoy the rest of yours.


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