Thursday 19 September 2013

All hexied up

For a while now there's been a weird idea rattling around inside the fluffy, cloud-filled place known as my brain. Then last week it exploded out into little piles of paper and fabric...

...and a flurry of thread and soul-soothing teeny little stitches. 

So why the weird and wonderful mix of colours going in odd-looking directions, I hear you wondering. Well, maybe this will help you to guess...

It was sort of inspired by a class I signed up for at the Village Haberdashery - a paper piecing class to make this gorgeous cushion. 

Rather worryingly, my coloured-in sheet / pattern / map isn't actually all of the map. It isn't even all of the central section of the map, but it's already around 1,900 hexies big. And there's so much white! I think maybe 1,500 white hexies altogether and I'm not a big fan of white. If anyone has any 2 1/2" squares of white or cream fabric needing a new home....

The best thing of all is that I've sewn most of it on the tube on my way to and from work so far. I do like the irony of that 



  1. This is a fantastic design but a LOT of hexie piecing! I'm really looking forward to seeing it :)

  2. Oh my goodness, this is going to be simply a-m-a-z-I-n-g! But boy it's going to take a long time. Soooo worth it when it's done though, and be sure to tell the British Transport Museum, who knows they might even put it on display!!

  3. Wow that's impressive! Love you idea and the patience for the 1500 + hexies. I probably have some white on white or cream on cream lurking in my stash if you want some. Visiting from Brit Thursday linking

  4. Thanks for your lovely comments. I'll make sure to post updates as it grows.

    Celine, yes please, if you find any :D


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