Monday, 20 January 2014

52 Lists - Week 3

Moorea's week 3 list is "Things you should be proud of". That made me smile because the people who love me are forever telling me I have so many things I ~should~ be proud of, but I often just don't see them. Even when they are pointed out to me. 

You probably can't read the list too easily from the photo so here's what my third list says:
- my daughters (that's the bit in the heart: love them to pieces)
- making it through three and a half years of studying, whilst working a full time job for the first time in my life, bringing up four kids, leaving my marriage and starting again with nothing, having my heart broken and being totally financially unstable 
- forgiving my mum
- trusting someone again, even though it's scary and I can see so many reasons not to
- starting again everytime I think I've failed
- realising that little hiccups are NOT failure

- curl up on the sofa with coffee and a good movie
- bake all day
- walk through the rain with my good down just to feel the water on my skin
- jump in puddles
- have a long hot bath, then do all the pampering things I usually forget: face mask, body lotion, paint my toes pretty colours
- put on my favourite music and sew 
- play piano 

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