Whilst browsing through other people's '52 lists' yesterday I came across this post on the Lariats and Lavender blog. It was started off by Angie at my so called chaos and it was so much fun that I decided to post my own 5 things too.
So here are five things that...
...you’ll find in my bag:
What bag?
I don’t carry one
...you’ll find in my bedroom:
- my snuggly, red, pillow covered bed with Bear sitting waiting to give me cuddles
- my Nan’s sewing machine, the one that made my school uniforms, my wedding dress and so many other things and memories
- Damascus, my adorably cute chameleon
- Felicity, my orchid who still refuses to flower
- My Eiffel tower ring holder with all the rings that mean something to me resting on it
...I’ve always wanted to do:
- live in a treehouse
- visit the pyramids in Egypt and in Peru
- own my own home (yes, a treehouse would count)
- get a freefall licence
- be able to draw
...I’m into right now:
- Grey’s Anatomy
- the amazing city that I live and work in
- quilting, especially EPP and hand sewing
- going to the gym and working ‘til my muscles scream at me to stop
- dried mango
...quirks I have:
- my bookcases and dvds are sorted by colour and by size, not in alphabetical order or by topic. And yes, that means that book 2 of the Lord of the Rings trilogy is not between books 1 and 3, because I lost book 2 and the replacement is a larger size
- I like my cupboards to be sorted in a particular way: cup handles all the same direction, labels all to the front, clothes & towels neatly aligned. I don’t think that’s a quirk but the rest of my family seem to
- I really, really dislike feet
- some of my best friends are trees
- some of my best friends are ex-boyfriends
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